Summit 2024

Enhancing technology and innovation that support smallholders in their transition towards agroecology in East Africa, focusing on optimisation of energy-water-nutrient nexus in aquaculture.

The PrAEctiCe Online Agroecology Summit aims to bring together African and EU   researchers, academics, government officials, experts, and farmers engaged in advancing agroecological practices in Africa. The PrAEctiCe Agroecology Summit offers a chance to explore how agroecology can help to feed Africa. It will cover agroecological aquaculture systems’ current, emerging, and future benefits. It will also discuss the existing and developing frameworks for complying with agroecological practices to promote increased involvement between stakeholders and smallholder aquaculture producers in Africa. Discover practical applications of remote sensing, digital data, and GIS technologies to improve the efficiency, selection, and monitoring of sustainable smallholder aquaculture operations. The event will also discuss potential obstacles or issues that may impact the integration of aquaculture with agriculture.

The summit aims to foster collaboration and explore Indigenous farming communities, researchers, governments, experts, and stakeholders’ roles in supporting Africa’s agroecology transition.


Facilitating Agroecological Transition Among Smallholder Farmers through Technology and Innovation

Main Facilitation: Majaliwa Mwanjalolo Jackson Gilbert (RUFORUM)

Main Rapporteurs: Hildah Gichuru, Faith Njihia and Charles Gitau (AAA), Emmanuel Okalany and Yamungu Alongo Boniface (RUFORUM)

10:00 – 10:20

Online Introductions and Registration
Margherita Trestini, (Apodissi)

Welcome remarks from the PrAEctiCe coordination
Prof. Jan Hopkins (HKA)

Summit Agenda
Charles Gitau (AAA)

10:20 – 10.40

Key Note Presentation: The role of agroecology in sustainably enhancing productivity, food security and profitability of global food systems

Million Belay General Coordinator (AFSA)

10.40 – 11.00

Deploying the Circular Economy in Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Systems in Africa
Prof. Jan Hopkins (HKA)

11:00 – 11:20

Panel discussion by end-users of agroecological technologies and innovations

  1. Samuel Kabuye, Farmer
  2. Robin Ndung’u, Founder & CEO Kisumeo Organics Limited
  3. Bihunira Medius, PELUM Uganda
  4. Sunday Bob George, MAAIF, Uganda

Majaliwa Mwanjalolo (RUFORUM)

Rapporteurs: Faith Njihia (AAA) and Yamungu Alongo Boniface (RUFORUM)

11:20 – 11:25

Breaking off to parallel sessions and health break of 5 mins

11:25 – 12:35

Parallel Session 1: Digitization and innovation in agroecological practices

Moderator:Thanasis Chantzaropoulos

Main presentation: Digital Decision Support Tools for accelerated transition to agroecology by smallholder farmers

Question and Answer Session

Rapporteurs: Doroteja Novak, Matej Brumen and David Pokupec (UM), Suzan Adhiambo (DALF)

11:25 – 12:35

Parallel session 2: Integrating scientific innovation and indigenous knowledge for accelerated transitions to agroecology by smallholder farmers

Moderator: Michael Farrelly (AFSA)

Agroecological practices and technologies deployed by smallholder farmers for accelerated transition to agroecology in their farming systems

Elen Lemaître-Curri, CIHEAM IAM Montpellier, France and NATAE project


Assessing smallholder farmers’ transition to agroecology in a way that builds on indigenous knowledge: Indicator framework for measuring agroecology transition in smallholder farming context

Prof. Harun Okello – Maseno University

Plenary discussion: Making the agroecology transition gender inclusive and equitable for all

Moderator: Michael Farrelly (AFSA).

Rapporteurs: Joseph Ssekandi (Uganda Martyrs University) and Nicholas Outa (Maseno University)

11:25 – 12:35

Parallel session 3: Soil health and water quality management in circular integrated agriculture and aquaculture systems

Moderator: Majaliwa Mwanjalolo (RUFORUM)

Soil and Water Management from an Agroecological Perspective

Nyambilila Abdallah Amuri, Sokoine University of Agriculture


Agroecological Innovations for Soil Health and Smallholder Empowerment

Gomez Silvia, CARTIF Technological Center/CIRAWA

Rapporteurs: Yamungu Alongo Boniface (RUFORUM) and Charles Tumuhe (AFSA)

11:25 – 12:35

Parallel Session 4: Renewable Energy Solutions in agroecological systems for Africa

Moderator: Nicholas Kiggundu (Makerere University)

Research and innovation towards meaningful adaptation of renewable energy solutions that support agroecological transition among smallholder farmers in Africa

Fabian Dold (Equator Solar)

Rapporteurs: Ulrich Hellriegel, Duc Dinh Ngoc, Talha Atiye (HKA), Edwin Guya (DALF), and Henry Beliga Ssemuyaba (Makerere University)

11:25 – 12:35

Parallel Session 5: Agroecological practices in smallholder aquaculture production: Socio-economically viable models for the African context

Moderator: Alyssa Joyce (UGOT)

Technology based systems for aquaculture-based production systems

Nasser Kasozi (NARO)


Downscaling technologies to suit the socio-economic context of Africa’s smallholder farmers

Jesca Nakavuma (Makerere University)

Rapporteurs: Suzan Adhiambo (DALF), Nasser Kasozi, Cecilia Nakato (NARO)

12:35 – 13:00

Report back from the parallel sessions to the plenary and rapporteurs from the various sessions

  • Session 1: Lopo José Carvalho
  • Session 2: Joseph Ssekandi
  • Session 3: Charles Tumuhe
  • Session 4: Ulrich Hellriegel
  • Session 5: Cassius Aruho

Moderator: Majaliwa Mwanjalolo, RUFORUM

13:00 – 13:15

Way forward and closure

  • Majaliwa Mwanjalolo Jackson (RUFORUM)
  • Charles Gitau (AAA)
  • Jan Hoikins (HKA)
PrAEctiCe project is funded by the HORIZON Europe programme under Grant Agreement number 101084248